Pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters
Pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters

This has been extensively tested, but there are still kinks in the works. This all sounds insane, but the mechanics are solid. When breeding Pokemon, simply refuse the eggs from the nursery you don’t want until you get the right egg.For example, for a Genderless or Single-Gender Pokemon, we would hatch #26 instead of #25. For Genderless or Single-Gender Pokemon: Add +1 to your number.Collect eggs up to the number where you hatched a shiny with Magikarp - in our example, it would be Egg #25.Make sure Ditto is holding Destiny Knot, and your ‘Goal’ Pokemon has an Everstone equipped.Now begins the “Swap Breeding” Trick - Return to the nursery and deposit Ditto and your ‘Goal’ Pokemon.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters

Take note of the egg that hatched into a shiny - for example, the Egg #25 since your last save hatched into a Shiny Pokemon.If you found a shiny, continue on to the next step.Spin with Tauros in the fence area to quickly begin hatching.Hatch all of the eggs you just collected.If you continue to generate eggs, you might pre-generate an IV/Shiny/Nature you want that you’ll miss. Remove one of the Pokemon from the nursery to stop eggs from spawning.It helps to generate at least 30 to improve your chances of finding a Shiny. Enter the enclosed fence across the path from the nursery entrance, and spin while riding Tauros to quickly generate eggs.Deposit Ditto (Foreign, Destiny Knot Equipped) into the Nursery, then deposit Magikarp.When you’re ready (Have Ditto, Magikarp, and your ‘Goal’ Pokemon all equipped with the right items.) wait outside at the ranch and begin at Step #1. Go to the Hatchery - this guide assumes you already know the basics of breeding. How to Breed Shiny Pokemon – Step-by-Step Magikarp does NOT need the Everstone equipped. Make sure to equip Ditto with a Destiny Knot, and equip your ‘Goal’ Pokemon with an Everstone. Given by the Game Director in Heahea City after completing the Alola Region Pokedex (Excluding Mythical Pokemon). Shiny Charm : Only needed if you don’t use a foreign Ditto.Also available at the Battle Royale Dome (Second Counter) - Sold for 16BP. Everstone: Equip on the ‘Goal’ Pokemon - Given by Ilima after re-battling him in the large house in Hau’oli City.Destiny Knot: Equip on the Ditto (Foreign) - Available at the Battle Royale Dome (Fourth Counter) - Sold for 48BP.There are other ways to pull of this method, but using a foreign (Non-North American) Ditto is by far the easiest. You absolutely must have a foreign, un-hacked Ditto. The foreign Ditto is the most important part of this equation. Goal Pokemon: The ‘Goal’ Pokemon is the species you want to generate a shiny for.They’re common in any body of water in Alola. Hacked Pokemon will not work for this method. WARNING: Watch out for 5 / 6 IV Japanese Ditto - these are very likely hacked Pokemon.Foreign refers to any non-North American Ditto in GTS. Any will do - enter GTS and trade for a Ditto with a name in any foreign language, though Japanese is best.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters

  • Ditto (Foreign): To make this happen, you’ll need a foreign Ditto.
  • It’s very weird, complex, and simple all at the same time.īefore you can begin the “swap breeding” method, you’ll need some essential items and Pokemon. Magikarp breed very, very quickly - and breeding them “locks in” the random rolls for future Pokemon hatching from eggs.

    pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters

    The eggs will always match (except when breeding with genderless Pokemon, in that case, add +1 to the egg count after swapping Pokemon.) - that’s the essential part of this method. Breeding Ditto + Any Other Pokemon: The 50th egg hatches into a Shiny.Breeding Ditto + Magikarp: The 50th egg hatches into a Shiny.After reloading the previous save, you’ll find that breeding a Ditto and any other Pokemon will result in the exact same eggs. Using a very specific set of steps, it is possible to pre-generate a Pokemon Shiny, using a Magikarp to breed simply for the speed. Pokemon Sun and Moon actually generates Pokemon eggs (and the contents within) before you even begin hatching. We’ll explain everything in the complete guide.

    pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters

    This method isn’t too difficult, as long as you follow the steps exactly and come prepared - you’ll need a foreign Ditto, a trash Magikarp, a Shiny Charm, a Destiny Knot, and an Everstone. Look, it’s really complicated so we’ll explain step-by-step below. This method also, essentially, locks you in for a future shiny. This makes it much, much easier to get shiny Pokemon - you’ll know exactly how many eggs need to hatch. Basically, using this method, you’ll be able to see which egg will spawn a Shiny Pokemon while breeding. The Pokemon Sun and Moon fan community is voracious, and after endless hours of experimentation, they’ve discovered a way to essentially “predict the future” and see which Pokemon eggs will be shiny when breeding Pokemon.

    Pokemon sun and moon 3ds how to get all of the starters